Alumnus Spotlight: From the Mission Field to Ministry Here at Home
The MCS program has been instrumental in equipping me for God’s next step in my calling. I thank the Lord for Union University’s Master of Christian Studies program.
Rightly Handle the Word
If you are thinking about pursuing theological education, you should strongly consider immersing yourself in the Bible by enrolling in the Master of Arts in Bible and Theology program.
Alumnus and Faculty Spotlight: The Substratum of My Teaching
After I had pastored for eight years, I felt the need to further my theological education and ministry training. So, I enrolled in the Master of Christian Studies program at 36 years old.
Alumnus Spotlight: Preacher to Preacher
When I was as young as five years old, I could be found in the pulpit after Sunday service imitating the gestures from the preacher that day.
What Does it Mean that the Bible is God’s Word?
When we call the Bible "God's word," we’re making an extraordinary claim: that the Creator of the universe has spoken, and His voice is captured in the pages of Scripture.
Tell the Story
What is the Bible?” So begins every class I teach. Although there are many right (and wrong!) answers, I primarily focus on one—the Bible is the story of God making all things new.
Student Spotlight: The Depths of God’s Word
When I think about how the MCS program has impacted me I can only describe it as life changing!
Student Spotlight: Walking in Obedience
Not only has God grown me and molded me in this last year, but He has also been preparing me for a ministry I never thought I could do.
Beginning from Where?
The idea for “Beginning from There” comes from a description of Jesus’s teaching in Luke 24. There Jesus encounters a couple of people who are struggling to understand the ministry of Jesus.