Student Spotlight: Walking in Obedience
If you had asked me a year and a half ago if I would be immersed in a Master of Christian Studies program, I would have said the idea seems wonderful, but I am not equipped for that. It has been a dream of mine to attend a Bible-based program, but it just never really worked out. A year ago, I was getting ready for a trip to Israel with my home church, Englewood Baptist Church. My truck was in the shop in Memphis, so when I received a call from a 901-area code phone number, I immediately answered. I had filled out part of an online application a couple of years ago for the MCS program but never finished it. Dr Catlin was calling to see what my hesitancy was about completing my application. I threw out a few excuses, one of which was “books are so expensive.” His response was, “The books are free!” Every excuse I produced, he shut it down. I remember hanging up the phone and thinking “I think I just committed to this masters program.” Here I was thinking my truck was ready, but God was moving.
“One thing I know for sure is that the Lord is always consistent, He is always good, and I can trust that He knows the plan even when I cannot see it.”
A couple of days and a couple of nudges from the Holy Spirit later, I finished my application. I knew the Lord was asking me to walk in obedience. I did not know where He was taking me, and I did not know how I was going to do it, but I was ready to go off-roading with the Lord. One thing I know for sure is that the Lord is always consistent, He is always good, and I can trust that He knows the plan even when I cannot see it.
To say this program has grown me as a Christian is an understatement. It has created an atmosphere of thinking outside of the box in every aspect of my life. It has been a vessel for me to conquer fears in my prayer life, it has given me a new perspective of my work life and it has given me an unquenching excitement to dive deeper and deeper into scripture. I have always been partial to the Old Testament because I am a bit of a history buff. I have studied it for years and thought I knew most of what there was to learn about it, but the Bible is the living Word of God and there is always more to learn. This program has allowed me to see Jesus even from the beginning of Genesis. From the echoes of Jesus through the Torah and the prophets all the way through the Pslams. In John’s narrative Jesus declares, “For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me.” I have come to appreciate the Bible as one whole story, instead of two separate stories. All the Gospel writers had was the Old Testament Scriptures, yet they still saw Christ in and through them.
The MCS program has changed the way I view my work life. It has given me space to discern that God has put me exactly where I am for a reason. It is not just a job, but it is a way to worship and praise the Lord. It taught me how to bring my Sunday into Monday and the rest of the work week because praise and worship is not just reserved for Sunday. It has helped me see that He has placed me over a group of people that I have the privilege to intercede for, from employees to customers alike. I am more aware of how I am glorifying the Lord in the everyday dealings with my job in a way that honors Him.
“He has been refining me throughout this past year—and He has used this program to do it. I would not be exaggerating to claim that this program has changed my life.”
I have been heavily involved in the mission's program at my church for years and have since had to take a step back to focus on this program. God has shifted the direction of my ministry. I have recently been asked to be a leader of a class for women that consists of a four-semester study. Before the MCS program, I would have told you that I was not in any way equipped to lead a group of women, but God has done an incredible work in me. I get hyped up thinking about it! Not only has God grown me and molded me in this last year, but He has also been preparing me for a ministry I never thought I could do. All He required of me was obedience. He has been equipping me with knowledge, helping me conquer fears, and He has been refining me throughout this past year—and He has used this program to do it. I would not be exaggerating to claim that this program has changed my life.