Student Spotlight: The Depths of God’s Word
When I think about how the MCS program has impacted me I can only describe it as life changing! A little over a year ago I was praying about an education opportunity that would enhance my knowledge of God’s word and strengthen my relationship with him. I was seeking to know and use Scripture so that every word, thought, and decision would honor the Lord. I also wanted to properly lead my family spiritually, contribute meaningfully to my church family, and be a blessing to others through my work. However, at that time I certainly didn’t feel qualified or prepared to do any of those things!
I continued to pray about what path the Lord would have me take, and it wasn’t long before I came across Union University and the MCS program. I looked over all the course information and it seemed like an excellent program. I discussed it with my wife and my pastor, and both encouraged me to move forward. So, I prayerfully applied.
Soon I was learning about church history and discovering so much about those who sacrificed immensely for the Bible we often take for granted today. Also, we work through the process of biblical interpretation, and how to better understand the meaning of God’s word. Over the past year, we have covered nearly the entire Bible and have learned about how God’s word can train and equip us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17). During the last course we traced God’s purpose and promise throughout a large portion of the Old Testament in an effort to better share the gospel with unbelievers.
“The Bible has taken on new meaning, and with every word I am carefully looking for God’s purpose. Every verse is there for a reason, and this discovery adventure never gets old as there is always new treasure to be found in God’s word. ”
From Genesis to Revelation, I began to see the Bible as one cohesive story of God’s redemptive plan through Jesus as he is making all things new. The Bible has taken on new meaning, and with every word I am carefully looking for God’s purpose. Every verse is there for a reason, and this discovery adventure never gets old as there is always new “treasure” to be found in God’s word.
The Lord’s blessing and goodness has also extended into my family. My wife and I are routinely discussing biblical topics I am studying, which has brought us even closer. There is always something we can discover together, and she has commented that she can easily see the spiritual growth taking place. We even include our children on some of the discussions and research! What a blessing to have our family exploring God’s word together.
I have also learned how to tackle difficult topics and engage with those of different beliefs and perspectives while remaining anchored to God’s word. Throughout our country and the world there seems to be an ever-increasing polarization of the population across a range of issues. However, we are called to be salt and light everywhere we go (Matthew 5:13-16) even as God is increasingly removed from the workplace, schools, and public square. The mission field is right before our eyes, and we are certainly engaged daily in spiritual warfare (Ephesians 6:12) that necessarily requires training. I believe the Lord has used the sustained study of his word to prepare me with the whole armor of God in the face of the wickedness of this world (Ephesians 6:10-20).
Finally, I have developed a new understanding of the biblical relationship between work and worship. Although I am not a pastor, through this program I have learned the importance of bringing our work into worship and viewing our work as a form of worship itself, despite the common structure of today that keeps the two primarily separate. Even before the fall, “the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it” (Genesis 2:15). Work was a good thing ordained by God, and it still is today. While our work became much harder after the sin of man, we should still worship the Lord through our work, and in all we do give thanks to God (Colossians 3:17). We can certainly worship the Lord in church on Sunday, but we should also devote our work throughout the week to his glory as an act of worship.
“As a result of the diligent study of God’s word and the tools I have learned to use through the MCS program, I have experienced spiritual growth beyond my expectations. God has blessed my family, my church, and my work. He has increasingly trained and equipped me for every good work.”
As a result of the diligent study of God’s word and the tools I have learned to use through the MCS program, I have experienced spiritual growth beyond my expectations. God has blessed my family, my church, and my work. He has increasingly trained and equipped me for every good work. (2 Tim. 3:16-17). The Lord has shown me contentment and peace as I am learning more about him each day. He continues to reveal the depths of his goodness through his word. The answer to every question, the solution to every problem, the calm we seek amid the chaos of this world is all found in the Bible. What a blessing to draw near to God as we study his word together, to spur one another on toward love and doing good, as we cling to the hope of Christ, for he is always faithful (Hebrews 10:22–24) .